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First-Generation Student Concerns
Primary Resource
Center for Diversity & Global Engagement
The Center for Diversity & Global Engagement programs at Wentworth promote cross-cultural perspectives, inclusivity, leadership development and personal growth among the Wentworth community, and fosters a welcoming, brave and safe environment for all students with a specific focus on underserved populations and their allies.
CDJSP can help with:
- LGBTQ student support
- Programming including affinity months, retreats, a leadership series, and trainings on topics like microaggressions, toxic masculinity, and racial injustice.
- Diversity & Social Justice student organizations
- mentoring programs supporting students of color, women, and LGBTQIA+ students.
The Dean of Student's Office Student Support Specialists serve as a resource for students. We recognize that students may encounter a variety of challenges during their time with us. We are committed to working towards achieving our vision that Every Student Thrives. Never is this more important as our students persist towards graduation (or even just the end of the semester) amidst a global pandemic and systemic racism.
Throughout the year, the Student Support Specialists can be available to speak with a student to talk through their specific experience and determine what resources and services on campus (and sometimes off campus) could be helpful. In some instances, we meet with students on a regular basis for ongoing support.
Some services the Student Support Specialists provide include:
• Running of the Leopard Pantry, WIT Wear, the Student Emergency Fund, and the Supply Closet
• Absence Notifications
• Provide transition support for students who are new or returning to campus