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Primary Resource
Academic Advising
As part of the Success Studio, Academic Advising is a collaborative relationship that helps you develop meaningful educational goals that are consistent with your personal interests, values and abilities. You are assisted through this process by Academic Advisors who are faculty and professional staff. Advisors support students as they explore their interests, talents, values, and priorities. They facilitate the connection between your academic experience and future life plans.
The Registrar's Office is here to support you in your academic journey. We facilitate the educational process by providing students, faculty, and staff with accurate and timely data processing related to course offerings, registration, academic records, and support and advice regarding academic policies and procedures.
The Registrar's Office can help students:
· Process electronic forms, including but not limited to a change of major, course substitution, course withdrawal, and transfer credit pre-approval
· Ordering transcripts, enrollment, and degree verifications.
· Navigate the graduation application process and help with degree audit concerns.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8:15 am - 4:45 pm
Walk-in Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Success Studio provides you with tools, opportunities and resources to find success along your educational journey. It is a physical and virtual space that is home to an integrated resource center dedicated to seamless academic advising, academic support and student success.
The Success Studio can help students with:
- Academic Advising questions
- Tutoring
- Student Accessibility Services
- Resources and workshops to support your educational goals