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Center for Community Learning & Partnerships

  • On Location
Center for Community and Learning Partnerships Door

The Center for Community and Learning Partnerships (CLP) is devoted to positively impacting Boston neighborhoods and Boston youth. We do this by providing opportunities for students to get engaged in our local neighborhoods through volunteering, work study, Alternative Spring Break, and other service-learning opportunities. We also have programs for local high school students to gain earlier exposure to STEM, college, and other post-secondary opportunities, through Dual Enrollment, BEACON Pathways, and RAMP, our pre-college summer bridge for incoming students from Boston.

The Center for Community and Learning Partnerships can help students:
- participate in community engagement opportunities
- navigate their resources both on and off campus
- connect to opportunities that can develop their career readiness

• For information/questions around community engagement, please contact Courtney Wright, Associate Director for Neighborhood Relations
• Wrightc1@wit.edu
• 617-989-4983
• For information/questions about our programs for Boston youth, please contact Becky Drossman, Associate Director of College Access
• drossmanr@wit.edu
• 617-989-4318
  • 553 Huntington Ave
    Boston, MA 02115

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Contact Us